What participants, students and clients say…

Kerstin has been my teacher and practitioner since 2017 and has been an integral part of my inner and outer development ever since. She gives me the safety and security to fully engage with and recognise my soul journey and at the same time she does not take responsibility for my actions or decisions. I find Kerstin to be a wonderful soul journey companion who always gives me the impulses with her far and deep vision that help me to recognise my blind spots and to lovingly accept and transform them. Her treatments are very transformative and changing in the best sense. What I particularly appreciate about Kerstin is her appreciative and loving and at the same time absolutely clear, “clearing up” approach. It is a gift to learn from her and to work with her and I am very grateful to have “found” Kerstin!

Jeannine, 46

I admire Kerstin for her clarity. She creates access to spaces beyond language and everyday perception; thanks to her, I can safely walk back and forth between spaces and my world expands.
She breaks down complex and paradoxical subjects in an understandable way, making me much more comfortable with myself and life. Her seminars bring so much depth, joy and simplicity into my life. Again and again I am thrilled by the pleasant atmosphere in the seminars. Kerstin’s warm way and her whole personality create such a great and well held space; her seminars thus inspire me again and again to grow beyond myself even through difficult issues in my life.

Julia, 43

I can only recommend Kerstin’s work to everyone – whether workshops, seminars, ceremonies, energetic treatments, the medicine wheel or the healer training, which are so richly filled with knowledge, healing experiences and devotion. I find Kerstin’s work and all the tools she gives us very powerful and I am always impressed by the clarity, awakeness and accuracy with which she carries me and others through our experiences and healing journeys. After each seminar or workshop I have the feeling of going home with a huge basket of gifts. I am very grateful to be able to understand my own healing path better, to be able to let go more and more of what restricts my inner freedom, and at the same time to connect (back) more and more with my very own power and the spirits.

Sevgi, 40

Kerstin. You have been with me for a long time. Especially the last year would not have been so healing for me without you. You were so present and so reliable during the really intense time of my cancer treatment. From the diagnosis, through the various therapies until today. With great clarity you grasp the big issues and connections so quickly and lead so lovingly and unerringly to the points that need to be transformed.
What I perceive during the sessions: being lifted up, appreciation, light, images from the depth of my soul, cleansing, re-sorting on all levels.
I can say that with and through your treatments I have moved much closer to myself and my being. And I am managing more and more to free myself from structures that are not healthy for me, even on the outside.
Thank you!

Käthe, 41

Kerstin’s friendly open manner and her precise clear attitude made it very easy for me to grasp my issues in a sincere context. For almost a year now I have been allowed to receive a deep transformation process through the healing accompaniment of Kerstin’s shamanic energy medicine.
As a practitioner, Kerstin gives me the certainty that everything is allowed to be and supports me in independently finding my power and my authentic self-expression. Her work comes from her high level of competence, life experience and her absolute heartfelt orientation. I find her work incredibly valuable and transformative.

Inga, 31

Kerstin’s ability to find the core through the whole jungle of emotions of a situation, no matter how tricky it is, to make me aware of it and bring it into transformation, is a blessing.

Christiane, 50

I took part in the medicine wheel, healer training and several other workshops with Kerstin and I am still fascinated by how profoundly it has affected my life.
The gradual and continuous work has enabled me to work especially on old ideas, entanglements and beliefs and to dissolve them profoundly, fundamentally and sustainably. This is how I found myself and actually “reinvented” myself.
The multitude of methods and techniques have not only made it possible to always approach my issues from a different direction, they are still available to me and I can choose from this whole breadth and use what is needed at the moment. You can clearly see that Kerstin has gained a very deep understanding of the context of things and that she has gone through and applied everything she passes on many times herself and thus passes it on with great clarity. She guides the participants with so much love and energy, even through difficult passages, and she also succeeds wonderfully in bringing the groups together in a pleasant harmony in a protected and powerful space and at the same time responding to everyone individually.
After all the years of seminars with Kerstin, I feel liberated, released and have the courage and energy to walk my path.

Dietmar, 59

Working with Kerstin was a turning point and a blessing in my life.
In the last 9 years I have never met anyone with such clear vision and integrity. Her work is a testament to the highest morals, ethics and skill and to this day she is my first choice when it comes to personal processes.
The core of her work is on self-empowerment, self-authority and she teaches you self-help skills and enables us to regain inner strength
I am very grateful to have met her, appreciate her and her work very much and can only recommend her wholeheartedly.

Friederike, 32

I have been in various trainings with Kerstin for years – Shamanic Medicine Wheel and Healer Training among others – and I am always fascinated by the great possibilities she provides. With her subtle and at the same time very powerful presence she opens spaces in which deep transformation and a journey to oneself become possible. In each of her seminars I discover new little worlds within myself and am deeply touched by the spaces of experience that open up for me. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for the process and the path I have been able to walk with Kerstin so far.

Anna, 37

The greatest gift is probably that my inner seeing, my listening (to myself) and my intuition have refined enormously. And the fact that doors have opened since I started listening to myself, and that I now also believe that it can happen, I feel is a great gift! Many thanks for that!
What is a big part of why I like working with you so much is that you have a way of radiating safety, clarity, a certain security and simply a warmth that makes it easy for me to engage in the process.

Mirja, 39

I have been having individual appointments with Kerstin for shamanic healing treatments for over a year now and I am always impressed by the precision with which she works. I find her to be very attentive, clear and very precise – a way of working that has impressed me very much!
After years of experience with psychotherapeutic processes, I find a different depth here and can resolve fundamental structures.

Sarah, 36

Through Kerstin’s unique mentoring, the participation in the medicine wheel, various workshops and especially in the healer training, my personal development has progressed at an incomparable pace over the last three years. I am so incredibly grateful to her for the opportunity to be on this exciting, challenging and absolutely enriching journey. With impulses, insights and outlooks that I would never have dared to dream of. Aho.

Katrin, 37

Through the valuable seminars I have attended with Kerstin over the last few years, I have repeatedly had the opportunity to initiate deep processes within myself and to transform my entire emotional and real life.
As a teacher, Kerstin supports us with all her profound experience and her huge wealth of knowledge, both professionally and lovingly, in order to set the steps in motion in each of the participants and to make them possible. She encourages us to explore all our inner hidden corners, to clean them up, to let go of old patterns and bring light into the darkness, in order to emerge from the inner processes newly structured and radiant.
Each seminar participation brings me closer to my inner self, for which I am very grateful. I can only encourage everyone to embark on this inner transformative journey with Kerstin and to joyfully engage in this profound work.

Sabine, 39

Thank you, thank you, thank you Kerstin. Your work leads me to life, to a life that is actually meant for me, to a fulfilled life. Kerstin works with total precision, dissolves blockages, awakens forgotten parts to life, with words, with singing, with the drum and other shamanic tools. She opens a wide, bright space in which healing simply happens. What is so good is that Kerstin does not judge. What was previously hidden, perhaps secret, is allowed to become visible and can thus reveal its gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Kerstin!

Maria, 42

Kerstin’s ability to accompany you lovingly yet with great clarity to inner places that you might never go to on your own initiates deep transformation processes and is truly life-changing. She has accompanied me in a difficult phase of my life, which I was not only able to master through her help, but from which I have emerged as a healed, powerful and authentic person who is at peace with herself, her past and present and feels able to shape her life in a self-determined way. I have the utmost trust in her both as a psychotherapist and as a shamanic practitioner and soul companion.

Katharina, 39

It is so good to be seen as you are, to be picked up where you are and to work with what you have inside and in this way transform your life positively in every way. One of my greatest gifts is that Kerstin saw me and my possibilities when I did not.
It is reassuring to know that no matter what is to come, she is ready for it. That helps me to be ready too.

Christina, 25

A wonderful, deeply touching work that can really change worlds! I would go down this moving path again at any time with Kerstin by my side!

Britta, 53

and specifically about the training as Shamanic Practitioner…

The Shamanic Medicine Wheel is a point in my wheel of time that has changed many things. I have gained a different view of the past. I live more consciously in the present and feel the visions of my future life.
It is like entering another world that lies behind a door that you only have to open, in which you can experience yourself, in which you can awaken.
In the medicine wheel there are so many rituals, tools that you work with to connect more with yourself, to be more in touch with yourself.
I have been given companions who hold me, who answer me with signs, who are a part of me.
The Shamanic Medicine Wheel is personality development, out of the head, out of theory – into action, into a daily practice.
If I could name milestones in my life, the Medicine Wheel would be one of them.
I don’t want to miss this experience, this time and feel gratitude for it and live the Shamanic Medicine Wheel.
Kerstin is such a wonderful shaman, teacher. I am endlessly inspired by how she sees each individual and with just a few words reaches each individual, carries each individual through the processes. She has also become my companion for my life, for this time and gladly for much longer.

Anett, 52

With her appreciative, honest, authentic manner, the palpable burning for her work and actions, her knowledge and the way she communicates it, Kerstin creates a space in which cordiality and warmth, acceptance and trust flourish and I feel carried by an incredible energy.
She led me into long ignored corners of my self, showed me ways of enlightenment and resolution, brought out knowledge, sensing and (self-)awareness that I thought was lost.
Every tear, every laugh, every thought and every action on these special Medicine Wheel weekends took on a new depth and clarity.
These moments continue to carry me through everyday life and allow me to meet the demands of life anew.
Carried by drums and song, protected in the sacred space and accompanied by archetypes, power animal, ancestors and all other companions, I was offered insights and explanations that I had been searching for and asking for so long.

Kerstin, 54

Finding inner security and stability in these turbulent times is one of the greatest gifts I have been able to experience through my training as a Shamanic Practitioner.
The practices learned create depth and healing and transformation with great ease, and the positive changes are very quickly noticeable in everyday life, in all areas.
To feel the connection with all living beings, nature, animals and ultimately the connection to myself again is very precious to me and fills me with great joy and gratitude.
The training as a Shamanic Practitioner has enabled me to find my own inner wisdom and truth, to trust my intuition and to awaken to a self-determined life full of love and freedom.
Thank you to the whole team for holding the space so magnificently!

Christina, 26

Through Kerstin’s guided journey through the Medicine Wheel, it was possible for me to step out of old drama structures and victim attitudes. As a result, I can now live my life with an open heart.
It is again possible for me to look with goodwill into my and our future. In the deeply anchored knowledge that my small actions and steps also contribute something to the big, overall change. I have internalised in the Medicine Wheel that I can direct the energies of my life, even if generations of my family have experienced it differently before.

Inga, 32

The Medicine Wheel is such a powerful, precise and transformative inner journey. A very stable space that enables such a clear view into one’s own depths, into all still closed, unconscious areas. A structure that enables the recognition of one’s own potential and the experience of the great consciousness and leads to an ever stronger glow & unconditional love for life in all its experiences.
The greatest gift for me is the ever-growing courage to follow my path full of trust, to take full responsibility for myself, to show up on this earth very present and grounded and to face everything that life holds in all its facets.
The gratitude & awe for the miracle of all life on this beautiful planet and being part of this great intelligence continues to expand.
A thousand thanks for another such luminous, clear space!
A heartfelt recommendation for everyone and everything!

Johanna, 28

The journey through the Shamanic Medicine Wheel was exactly the right thing for me at the right moment. Kerstin is a super experienced, wonderful teacher who gives a lot of space and at the same time was reliably by my side at every moment.
I was given a variety of tools with which I can now work on my issues independently and navigate safely through the medicine wheel. I was able to release decades of issues this year, pacify my relationships and I feel more calm, aligned and connected than ever before.
This earthy, undogmatic, very practical spirituality is exactly what I wanted. Going through the medicine wheel with Kerstin is one of the best decisions of my life. Thank you for a wonderful year in the truest sense of the word. From the bottom of my heart!

Miriam, 50

The journey through the Medicine Wheel, carried and guided by Kerstin, is for me the greatest and most intense possibility of transformation that I have encountered in various traditions.
The Shamanic Practitioner training enables me to develop my personal growth and being with precision and depth, within a short period of time, for what feels like eternities. It is such a precious gift to experience this journey with unique people and at the same time to experience an idea of all-one-ness.
For the third year in a row, I can’t wait to dive back into the next bike. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity, Kerstin!

Katrin, 39
“Be you to the full.”

Michael Roads