For women:
My body my power

3-day-workshop for all women

This workshop opens up the possibility for you to perceive our female body, which is so often degraded to a lust object for male sexuality or for the feeding of babies, as our body again, as our possibility to experience, feel and emerge in all liveliness.

While in the best case as human beings, no matter if we are women or men, we have the feminine as well as the masculine qualities available in all their radiance, we women especially embody the expression of the feminine power and a different place than men. The intention of this workshop is to understand this power and this place in connection with our female body more and to free it.

We will renew our relationship with our body, our femininity and our being a woman; we will get in direct contact with our body, release tensions from it, just as we release the history of our body and our ancestors.

We will continue to release both our strength and our capacity for devotion in order to emerge more and more as living and powerful women in the world and take our place.

For your orientation: There won´t be any physical nudity in this workshop.

Wherever you are in relation to your body, your being a woman, your sexuality and your power, this workshop will be worthwhile!

Women, witches, healers, devoted, powerful, free, feeling, alive, present – maybe still unfree, maybe still wounded, still limited, everything in motion, everything in possible change – come!

In this workshop we will create a circle in which we will use shamanic and tantric techniques, journeys and rituals to come into harmony and the right relationship with our body and our power as women.





Seminarhaus Gut Alte Heide
Bremen 10
42929 Wermelskirchen


350 € per person


May my body be a prayerstick
for the world.

Joan Halifax